Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spider Sense

Something told me to make some phone calls before I set off on errands today. I realized that I never got a confirmation phone call for my hair appointment. I also had a funny feeling that my allergy injection serum was past its expiration date. Sure enough, two phone calls later, I found out that the computer at the salon had lost my appointment and that the serum was past date. Maybe I developed a spider sense from the 11 spider bites trailing down my right leg. While I appreciate the trouble it saved me today, I would prefer to be able to shave again.

Meanwhile, my newfound superpowers didn't do me much good in the knitting supply search department. I went to FOUR stores in search of one yarn and one set of needles today. I know finding just the right yarn can be a quest, especially when you're going to do something crazy like tackling Lace Ribbon, but is it so much to ask to find 16" #11 circular needles that don't suck or cost a fortune? I ended up with some interchangeable Boyes. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Nick Jong said...

Well, at least you obtained some benefit from those 11 spider bites. :-D